A cindarella story. Just in my version. Problem? :P


Friday, May 27, 2011

He'll never notice me. Never. But I still sit here and watch him. And his cuteness.

you walk in a room like this

And Justin look at you like
"Woah, she's hot"

Then you walk up to him to take a picture with him and the photo comes out like:

After the picture is taken, Justin makes conversation with you and says:

“You’re very beautiful.”

Then you start blushing and reply back with a:

Then Justin says:

“You’re very welcome.”

Then you’re all like:

Then he’s like:

“Awe you’re so cute.”

Next you both start talking and the conversation between you two becomes funny and you and Justin can’t stop laughing.

He’s like:

And you’re all like:

Then all of a sudden he intertwines his fingers with yours.

Before you have to leave the room Justin asks you:

“Wait before you go, can I get a hug beautiful?”

And you’re like:

“Of course!”

Then Justin smiles and walks towards you and hugs you like:

I wish..that.

Justin Bieber <3


Beliebers, Justin is so happy with Selena. Stop hating Selena. She makes our boy happy right? She's great. If you really need to hate her, you have to be as pretty as her, have fans as millions as hers, have that awesome voice. And the most important thing can you really did what Selena did?

Please don't break up again.

Jelena Forever :)

Perang dah tamat! Yeah!

As=salam. Kemerdekaan, ialah sesuatu yg amat berharga dan dinantikan oleh mana2 organisma dalam dunia (tidak termasuk lipas dan tikus). Dan satu2 nya masa paling aku rasa kemerdekaan ialah tiga belas saat lepas cikgu ambil paper yg LAST SEKALI. Pergh. Seriyez rasa mcm duduk depan peti ais!

Kejap. Aku mcm musykil la. Apa motif wujudnya exam ek?

Aku rs, exam ni x perlu ada sbb, adanya exam, stress meningkat. stress meningkat, makan. makan banyak, obesiti. Kata nak kurangkan obesiti? Kurangkan exam ah! Nanti aku buat surat kiriman rasmi hantar dekat guru besar seluruh malaysia ek? Aku ada banyak sebab. Kau isi tiga belas buku tiga lima pun tak cukup tu. Ok sambung karangan fakta. Lagipun stress ni boleh membuat manusia ke arah negatif. Contoh, org stress, isap dadah. Kejadahnya exam bagus? Sebab yg ketiga ialah exam dpt membawa nilai nilai negatif dlm badan murid. Murid akan tiru punya. Tak kisahlah apa cara. Kah kah kah. Eh aku last tiru berkurun yg lepas! Insaf sudah!

Oh perkara yg paling penting; alam sekitar penting. Ekosistem perlu jaga betul2 supaya hidup kita tak kekurangan apa2 sumber tenaga. Exam ni kan pakai kertas. Semua org tau (tidak termasuk bayi dan kanak2 berusia 3 tahun ke bawah) yg kertas diperbuat dari kayu, kayu ambik dari mana lagi? Pokok ah! yg hang dok nak gugel tu apsai? tak tau kan tak tau kan? tu lah aku ckp! tengok dora boleh jadi pandai kau tahu! ok sambung; banyak exam, banyak pokok kene potong, kurang pokok, flora fauna pupus. Flora fauna pupus, kita nak makan apa? dok makan tanah? Kepala hotak kau.

exam juga boleh memupuk sikap dan potensi diri untuk masuk hospital bahagia, tanjung rambutan, satu MPH yg sangat cool di atas tanah pamah di mesia! MPH = Mental Problem Hospital. Yang ni melibatkan semua org yg pernah pijak rumput kat sekolah terutamanya cikgu. Nak bukti? Nah nah ambik!

"mencik! mencik!"

karangan atas ni best. banyak ayat gramatis. Cikgu jimi suka. kah kah kah.

Wahai cikgu cikgu seluruh dunia, sayangilah alam sekitar, sayangilah murid, sayangilah bapak murid, mak murid, artis kesukaan murid, makwe murid dan bapak makwe murid demi keamanan dunia. Kurangkan exam, kurangkan obesiti. Ya. Lepas ni boleh gunakan ayat saya untuk tagline negara.

kurangkan exam kurangkan obesiti. Bye. Assalamualaikum,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I just need a hug. A hug.

Arina nak peluk miko lagi.
Arina nak suap miko susu.
Arina nak bagi rantai camy kat miko bila miko besar.
Arina nak study ngn miko lgi.
Arina nak nyanyi lagu justin bieber sampai miko tido lagi.
Arina nak tido ngan miko lagi.
Arina nak bacakan buku untuk miko lagi.
Arina nak lukis miko depan miko.
Arina nak miko kat atas perut arina time arina tengah tulis kat blog.
Macam sekarang, Miki kat atas perut arina.
Miko dah takda. Miko dah tinggalkan kitorang.

Kenapa miko pergi cepat sangat? Kenapa arina tak tau miko sakit? Kenapa miko tak beritau arina miko sakit? Kenapa miko tak beritau arina miko sakit sangat?
Miko tau tak susah arina nak belajar harini. Miko tak duduk atas buku arina lagi. Besok arina exam. Miko takde kalau arina tunjuk arina dapat A pun. Arina rindu miko. Arina rindu miko sangat2. Balikla balik miko. Arina rindu miko. Miko tau tak miki ngn chico pun rindu miko? Dorang tengah tidur atas perut arina sekarang. Tadi diorang panggil miko. tapi miko tak dengar. Miko tido taknak bangun. Miko bangunlah. Arina rindu miko. Rindu sangat.

Arina nak miko.
Arina rindu miko.
Arina sayang miko.
Arina nak berhenti nangis

Arina nak miko balik. Arina tak kisah kalau belajar dekat dapur sor
ang2 sampai pukul 7 pagi asalkan miko teman arina. Arina tak k
isah tido dekat bawah asalkan miko tido atas perut arina. Tapi miko dah takda. Miko dah pergi syurga. Miko baru tiga minggu. Takde dosa. Mesti pergi syurgakan? Memang arina sayang sangat ngan miko. Tapi Allah lagi sayang miko. Miko untungkan?

Miko... arina, miki, chico, mama, abah, ngan yuki takkan lupakan miko okay? Miko mesti tengah bahagia kat syurga kan?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hari guru nak dekat. Cikgu azerai ngn cikgu mas jauh. cikgu jimi pun jauh.

emo lagi.

siapa tak emo bila rindu. haritu time nak pindah kol cikgu sekejap. Tak ckp banyak pun boleh nangis teruk. Rindu tahap anak ayam.

hmmm isnin exam. gelabahhh. Jap. seriyez aku pelik ckp bahasa semenanjung. terbiasa ckp bhs sarawak mungkin? FTW

bye nak makan buah pelik abah beli kat pasar sorang2 tepi tingkap. nk join? miskol sahaja.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My name is Najihah. I am 18 years old and I’m Justin Bieber’s OLLG in Malaysia. Yes, I’m Muslim. It all started here, I still can’t believe my eyes every time I look at my pictures and videos on stage. It happened so fast, I thought I was hallucinating. My friend and I were standing on the chairs singing to Justin’s “U Smile”, when a guy approached us. I didn’t recognize who he was at first so I thought “OMG! Am I in trouble? Did I do anything wrong?” So I just looked at him. Then all I could hear was “Justin’s One Less Lonely Girl?” and I was like, “Errrr yesssss?!!” Then he repeated his question “Do you wanna be the One Less Lonely Girl for tonight?” What else would I say. “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!” “Alright, take out your passes and purse, give it to your friend” And so he took me backstage! Along the way, I was thinking whether this is a joke? Am I being kidnapped? Why on Earth am I following a stranger that offers me to be Justin’s OLLG out of the blue?! I But then no, it was for real! I waited with the dancers in one of the tents. I must say, they were ALL very friendly. They are all nice people! The photographer even asked me to make a shout out for Justin Bieber! When Justin started singing ‘One Less Lonely Girl’, Kenny took me to the backstage and only then I met Selena Gomez. She was so pretty! I think it’s very sweet of her to wait for Justin like that. She was standing the whole time. Kenny told me, ”One of the dancers will take you onto the stage. Just sit on the chair and look him into his eyes because he’ll be singing this song for you.” So, the dancers brought me on stage, I sat on the stool and HE IS WAY BEYOND GORGEOUS, GOOD-LOOKING, CUTE, CHARMING etc. I feel so blessed to be given the chance to look him into his eyes THAT CLOSE! He gave me a dozen of roses. That explains why I didn’t jump around and hug him. He didn’t hug me because the Malaysian government won’t allow any hugs or kisses but only a handshake, so he respected their regulations and I’m already happy to even be on the stage with him. The song was over, they brought me back to my seat. My friend was freaking out. So, I enjoyed the rest of the concert! -@najihahaziq

Monday, May 2, 2011

adfghjkl eh aku ada blog?

Eh seminggu aku tak tulis kan? Kan? Kan? kan? kan kan kan? kan kan kan kan? eh terbanyak kan. Sebab tadi aku makan ikan. sebab mama masak ikan. Semalam pegi pancing ikan. Tapi taknak makan umpan. Ikan lah kan. Sape lagi kan. apa aku tulis ni alCheck Spellingamak tangan aku tak boleh berhenti tulis kan

Eh aku tau kau skip intro aku kat atas ni? Eh kenapa aku tau ni? Haha sebab aku pun skip intro korang! Sebenarnya harini xde cerita menarik pun. Saja nak bermesra alam. Apa orang tuatua kata, sediakan payung sebelum hujan? Haa tulah walaupun aku tak tau apa kaitan dua bende tu.

Dah dua perenggan masih takde isi. Agaknya aku perlu stop berblog ah. Apa pendapat korang?
jerit kat kotak jerit okay okay?

oh khas untuk justin bieber haha:

ni untuk korang. boleh?

ok sebelum korang sepak aku yg tak berapa ayu ni baik aku blah. Bye!