A cindarella story. Just in my version. Problem? :P


Sunday, June 30, 2013

no offence, tapi aku rasa kau sial

Ok this post is going to turn into a crappy, shitty and full of curses  one sbb yes, aku tgh mengamuk

I mean like hey siapa start dulu?
Atleast la time aku sakit hati dgn kau dulu the worst thing I did is lepas geram dgn kwn kwn aku
Aku tak pondan mcm kau la sial
Aku tak tweet pun yg kau gelakkan markah agama aku
Aku takde pulak jeling, ignore kau ke apa ke
Sbb somehow I think you are 50%  of why I reall work hard for my last sem exam
Yeap, 11A 
I was satisfied.

Until tonight, aku kenal siapa kau
Look, maybe its too much, wat I did.
Ha' ah, aku mmg jerit nama kau and said something tht might tear you up.
Dkt parking lot
Syerah and amira ada dgn aku, aku ingat
I mentionedsomething about markah agama
But may I remind you something, abng?
I will never do that if u have no problem with me in the first place.
Haha I don't give a damn la bang

Mampus kau la nak dengar pun
Kisah pulak aku
Tapi aku rasa kau dh lebih la bro

Aku yg perempuan ni pun tak sedrama queen kau la weh
Kalau tak puas hati ckp dpdpn
Tak pyh nak indirect tweet me mcm bitch
"Kau rasa bagus, kau x sedar yg kau bukan asal SARAWAK"
Oh really? Firstly, aku mmg bagus. Secondly, oh, kira aku ni tak layak duduk sarawak lah?
Excuse me, kau ingat aku hadap sgt nak duduk sini apa hahahahahahha you are wrong 
And encik A, You have no right, at all, to judge me islamically. Kalau setakat salah aku yg aku jerit tu kau nak ckp aku x layak jadi muslimah, baik kau simpan baik baik statement kau tu.

Everyone make mistake
But its another big mistake to leave them wrong
Tapi kalau problems dgn kau la kan
Aku rasa tak settlekan pun takpe
Sebab you got no effect on me
I don't need you

Monday, June 10, 2013

pain changes people. kan?

Two years ago, I still cry setiap kali balik kuching sbb... Rindu kucing je pun. 
Tak. Korg x fhm.
How does it feels, raising a cute little persian cat smpai besar lps tu kena tinggalkan dia

But that is two years ago, you can't judge me by my past

Skrg sikit pun aku tak heran dgn kucing2 aku kat sana.
Why? Sbb setiap kali aku balik sana sikit pun aku x main dgn diorg. Aku takut aku sedih kalau balik nanti..

Sama jugak kalau dgn danish
A day before balik aku xkan main sgt dgn dia.
Kalau kklong suruh jaga, aku letak je kat baby walker pandaila dia nk jaga diri. Hahaha
So tht I can return here as painless as possible

Sbb tu aku mcm xde perasaan je nak sekolah harini
Tak sedih
Tak happy

The same thing to the guys.
Kalau dua tahun lepas aku jwb call semua org, skrg tak. Nombor x kenal, reject.
Kalau dua tahun lepas aku senang menangis, skrg tak la. Itu zaman jahiliah.
Aku kalau jumpa you-know-who (certain org je fhm ececeeh) aku lari. Just to avoid further frustration
My friends pun kalau jumpa mamat tu, awal diorg tarik aku lari. Dah nak setahun kot. Aku masih....
Haha apa emo ni zil. Jadi yuna kang

Lelaki tak guuwwwuuunaaaaaaaaaaa

Haahahahahahhahahhaa.  Tapi betul apa.

But aku tak tahu
Am I getting stronger
Atau aku yg selalu sgt lari dari masalah
Cramp otak aku.

P/s: laptop rosak. Pakai tab je ni. Kalau ada typo, pergi mamp0s. Bye

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thank you, aneb!

Well oh well.
dahlah tengah demam
bnyk pulak benda yg perlu diemo kan cuti ni
kan aneb kan?

thanks aneb. dari aku sekolah rendah, kau je la yg mcm kakak, bapak, abang, nenek, mak, to me and liyana
haha sampai sekarang

its 4 am and baru lepas skype-ing dgn aneb yg terchenta.
dia ter izzah izzah. aku tersyafiq syafiq. hahaha

Goodnight cruel world 
aku penat

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Project Clear The Fridge 2013


Semalam semalam aku emo. Lepas publish last post, I decided to check the kitchen, buat apa yg patut. Sebab kalau aku masak aku happy. Aku rasa kalau kitorg tak balik Bangi ni dapur ni mmg tak pernah berasap. Kaklong, abg khalid, kakshikin semua busy. Kalau tengok fridge masyaAllah subhanallah ya allah nauzubillah. mcm reban ayam level tiga ribu. Ada chocolate, ada cake lapis enam bulan lepas, bnyk la benda yg diorg tak makan.

Semalam I made some baked potatoes.
Habiskan cheese.
Tak refer to any recipe pun sbb benda ni simple
walaupun first time,
it was super duper marvelous!

Baked Potatoes with Tuna Bolognese

- kentang, of course
-olive oil
-parmesan (kaklong pakai untuk buat bubur danish, sbb tu ada. kalau tak, terima kasih je la nak ada benda ni kat rumah)
-cheese slices, (I use President sbb cheese tu ada rasa rasa bbq)
-tomato sauce

1. Rebus kentang dengan garam, jgn empuk sgt sbb nanti kita nak masukkan dlm oven
2. Buat topping! Tumbuk garlic, potong cili padi. Lepastu tumis garlic, cili, and basil in olive oil campur butter sikit. lepastu masukkan tomato sauce, campur air sikit. biar dia menggelegak. Lepastu baru masukkan parmesan cheese yg dah dipotong, sikit demi sikit. dah nampak mcm kuah spaghetti yg korang nampak kat kedai tu, tutup api. masukkan tuna, gaulkan.
3. ok topping dah siap kan? kita balik kepada kentang tadi. make a hole, dap some olive oil, letak topping atas dia. letak cheese slice. letak basil atas kentang tu. (why basil? basil keluarkan bau yg wangi gila and a good taste too.) wrap dgn alumium foil.
4. bakar dlm oven dgn suhu 180 degree selama 30 minutes. SIAP!

sorry takde gambar. Tak terfikir pun nak upload kat mana- mana. cilok kat google pun jadi la ek?

dia kira mcm ni la. tapi topping aku buat lain

lepastu kitorg buat pudding roti and pudding telur. omg jangan terkejut la tengok aku berisi gila lps ni.

tapi skrg aku tengah demam.
and I am enjoying my salmon porridge!
haha bye!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I won't be very far

So I hopped on a train 3 in the afternoon
I don't know when I'm coming back, but I hope that it's soon
See, I never thought (I never though)
That I'd have to leave your side (your side)

It's only physically but know that you will be on my mind
Twenty-four hours at a time
Cause in my eyes, you were mine (you were mine)

No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me

See, he wrote me a letter, said the weather wasn't better
But he said that he was doing fine
"I want to see you face to face", that's what he wrote to me that day
And I knew that it was all a sign
So I wrote back with a song, promised it won't be too long
Wanna make up for all our lost time
Cause in my eyes, you were mine (you were mine)

No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me

So I'm going through these boxes, my life's gone off track
It's been three years, he hasn't written back
But in my eyes, he's still mine
And I know it sounds so stupid to be waiting this long
But I'm still in love, and I know I'm not wrong
Cause in my eyes, he was mine

No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and
No matter where you go, I won't be very far
Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are
Cause love has no distance baby
Love, love has no distance baby, no
Not when it comes to you and me

They all know our love story. But they don't know much. I didn't expect this three years before
I didn't expect I did that. Losing my trust to you
and fall hard for another 
Aku tau aku yang salah. I have learnt my lesson. 
Aku yang lupa kawan
Aku yang lupa kau
I don't know what is my actual feelings to you
Yang aku tau, 
you make me feel happy
walaupun call, kacau aku masa aku sibuk blajaq
walaupun aku tau kau saje taknak follow twitter aku
walaupun aku tau yang kau actually dah moved on

Aku just nak kawan aku yang dulu.
Janganla buat mcm kau tak kenal aku
I know you are reading this :)

Zil, cuti, dan laurier.

Salam sejahtera ke atasmu.

Its June 4 already? last aku tgk calendar masih may kot
apa masalahnya ni? calender aku yg corrupted ke hari aku yg tak productive?

!!!!لول ارينا لول
Memang la hari kau yang tak productive!
Kalau bangun terus bukak laptop hadap remy ishak tu productive sgt ke?
 (best pulak lol dlm jawi ni)

Oh yea. since school pressed me too much (very) aku dgn sukacitanya, dan dengan tak rasa bersalahnya, dengan bahagianya, dengan tak risaunya, aku tak belajar cuti ni. Mampus. Pergi mampus semua buku. Aku nak cuti. Khamis last day exam tu aku tak tido langsung, to be exact, aku tak stop belajar pun. Daripada balik sekolah (rabu), aku hadap buku agama PMR (which ustazah don't really tell us which bab keluar) sampai pukul 6 pagi, mandi kejap lepastu terus pergi sekolah. dlm kereta, tidur kejap. Aku sekolah petng but thursday abah xdpt hantar tgh hari. terpaksa la turun pagi dgn mama. Kan mama cikgu. hahaha. 
sampai sekolah, revise semua tokoh islam. belajar sampai pecah kepala dari 6:30 sampai pukul 12 mcm tu lepastu terus exam. Paper dua jam. Alhamdulillah, dpt jawab. I try not to give a damn about the mark since I have tried my best (walaupun last minute, eh no, tak last minute pun sbnarnya.) habis paper, I realized jari kelingking sebelah tangan tu mcm nipis, nampak blood vessel semua. oh yeah. cara aku pgg pencil mmg jari tu kena dgn pencil. Jom kira berapa jam aku pegang pencil. 7 pm to 2:30 pm wahhhhhhhhhhhhh. gila apa. Mana tak berdarah jari kau zil. Lepastu paper geo pun terus buat paper without studying. Aku memang tawakal je since bukanla aku tak tau pape pasal geo. Asalkan kau constant study, ok la. Nasib baik tak susah paper haritu. Tapi kalau nak aim markah tinggi2 pun tak boleh gak. Haha. Whatever, its over anyway.

And here I am, home sweet home. Jumaat pukul 9 dah smpai KL. Sabtu balik kampung. For a week. 
I did have a good time since aku boleh tido selama mana aku boleh. Especially time time ABC (Allah bagi cuti) ni kan, sukati aku je nak bangun pukul berapa. ish ish ish. but one thing i can't change about myself, pukul berapa pun aku tido aku akan bangun pukul 9. I slept at 12 bgn pukul 9. I slept at 6 bngn pukul 9. hahaha. mesti korg pelik kan ape je aku buat aku tak tido? I read. Chronicles of Narnia, buku buku Siti Rosmizah, Cecelia Ahern's kau ingat dapat apa baca time sekolah? Haram

Kira productive la cuti aku ek? errr 40%? atleast?

And another extraordinary routine cuti aku is, making icecream 20 sen for the kids! omg so malaysian! hahaha. Kampung aku ni bnyk bebudak. So why not kan? Atuk pun being so supportive sampai barang2 semua dia beli. I made milo (OF COURSE), bandung, asamboi, strawberry, and teh ais. Of course they are special sbb kedai lain manade buat pekat mcm I buat :p

Best part about balik sabak bernam is along the way kau akan jumpa this satu kedai cendol yang PERGH BEST GILA WEH. Cendol Durian Borhan. Of course, cendol durian is the highlight but since I don't eat durian, aku order cendol pulut jagung. ada cendol keladi, entah bnyk gila la. laksa dia pun sedap nak mampus. Aku rasa nak mampus duduk sarawak kempunan bende ni. Heh. Mampus!

Oh, and I really have trouble with my menstrual cycle. Second week baru flow heavy gila nak mampus. 

Kenal bende ni? Laurier Super Slim Guard 35cm
lol girls, who doesnt

Its been a very tough week, imagine la kau pakai pad 35 cm pun every hour kena tukar. Rimas, lemah, penat, pening, dengan adik yang suka cari gaduhnya, dengan crampnya, tersiksa jiwa wuaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
They said such severe bleeding isn't normal. Aku pun pergi la Hospital Umra, in Shah Alam. check sikit.
I got so excited buat ultrasound scan. Hekeleh. Mengalahkan org pregnant. But who cares aku dpt tgk uterine wall aku and korang tak dpt hahahahahaha. But the gel yg doctor letak on my skin is so cold I feel like putting it all over my body. Hahaha. Shah alam panas gila kot. And Alhamdulillah, doctor ckp aku okay. Dia ckp aku stress, sbb tekanan darah aku pun mcm tak normal je for a 15 years old mcm aku. She gave some pills, and suruh aku buat detail scan once I stop bleeding. Sbb kan uterine wall aku tgh tebal dgn darah. Dia suruh dtg buat scan betul2, just to make sure that I am really okay. 

Okay la kot. I don't feel anything. No pain. Entah sempat ke tidak aku nak check lagi kat situ. entah bila aku stop bleeding. Sabtu ni dh balik Kuching dah. 
But dkt Shah Alam bnyk shopping tudung. check http://www.sugarscarfbyriqa.com/
Nasib baik jumpa tudung yg sesuai dgn baju raya. 
Kalau nak cari tudung lawa lawa kat kuching entahla......hahahaha susah.

One thing, since time sekolah aku mmg tak tgk tv pun, (yes, I am a nerd, study maniac, yg mmg duduk dlm bilik belajar  sambil minum coffee) aku baru tau the existence of such good drama mcm Cinta Jangan Pergi!!!!! OMG cerita tu best gila. Lea Suraya, Khalil, Hud. We can really feel their love, We can really feel their pain. And aku suka gila watak nadiya nissa dgn this new actor Bill, their relationship mcm cool gila! 


couple paling sengal haha

Akhir kata, majulah industri drama melayu negara! Bye bye!